Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Tale of Adventure

Blogging is hardest to do when it needs to be done.

Typing this message far away from my home, I am not the farthest I will ever be but certainly the farthest I have been located from home in my own country.

In state of California, I am aiding the production company I work for, 3 Roads Communications, to film segments of a television show called "The Truth About Money with Ric Edelman" an excellent program aimed at giving practical financial advice in easy to understand ways.

I personally have found the show enriching from the volume of wisdom imparted by the host and those he interviews in various episodes.

Although my time here in California is almost at an end, I had to write something to keep my readers in the loop!

This evening I decided to go on an adventure. Barely forty feet from the hotel I sat down on a low wall and began singing a made up tune and putting it on paper. People did give me some curious glances but I stopped singing as people walked by so as not to alarm them. :)

(I'm sitting in my room and I made some coffee a little bit ago so I can turn it into iced coffee. I'll be right back!)

Well, that didn't take you long to read did it? Nah.

Where was I... oh yes. Adventure.

I crossed the street and saw an ice cream shop. The young guys running the shop were very nice and helped me out a great deal with deciding what kind of ice cream to get. One liked pistachio and the other liked a coffee/chocolate kind... so I got them both.

Walking along the stores I saw a tax service door open so I peeked my head in and said, "you all look rather bored so I just wanted to say hi!" I waved and wished them a good evening. They smiled and said the same.

But now it was my turn to be surprised. As I kept walking, a woman stood in the door of her hair cuttery and asked me if I wanted to get my hair cut. "Ummmm" I had thought about getting my hair cut just for the fun of it but faced with the idea I wasn't too sure. "Oh, different person!" She exclaimed. She thought I was someone who had an appointment, "maybe next time" she invited. I smiled and said goodbye... then kept eating my ice cream.

One of my favorite stores loomed ahead of me. Goodwill.
Dutifully I finished my treat outside the building and then ventured in. I weaved in and out of the clothing racks hoping for something to catch my eye or my fingers to sample. Eureka! A lovely burgundy silk blouse with long sleeves, it was waiting just for me! Over the arm it went. 

Skirts, pants, jackets, dresses, shoes, couches, toys... back to shoes. I spied something on a rack I wish had been stuffed in the few remaining inches of my suitcase... rollerblades. I ditched the shirt.

Off came my shoes and on when the rollerblades. The soft rubber tires let me glide over the cement flooring and around any obstacle with ease. A man watched me from his sofa as I tested the new wheels. I plopped down on a couch nearby to take them off. Introducing myself to Bob, we chatted as I searched for a price tag. None to be found we made our way to the counter. The long line gave me ample time to think about my purchase. Under $15 and I'd buy them. "Price check, please" the cashier said into the microphone on the counter. At $9.99 I was thrilled. These were NICE rollerblades.

I made it safely back to the hotel patio where the crew had just ordered dinner. I ordered some chicken from the kitchen (hah that rhymed). Sitting down with everyone I decided to show them my find by putting them on. I had a fabulous time spinning, going back and forth and going into the parking lot for some speed.

I feel full of life again. 

Adventure is a good thing, don't miss a chance at it!



  1. I'm your first commenter!

  2. You are indeed! :)

    Keep the comments flowing and feel free to ask any questions!
