Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Every Day Is A New Day

Don't you love how every day is truly a new day?
I notice all sorts of things when I choose to get up in the morning and enjoy the day that God has prepared for me. This morning, on my walk to school, I peered down at the sidewalk and realized that the worms were beginning to cross the pavement! As I kept walking I began to see a lot of them making the perilous journey.

It was six minutes until class started so I quickly pulled out my camera to document this "side-trip."

I am happy to say that I arrived to class on time and had a blast! We had a really cool activity where we had to pick 5-6 headlines for a newspaper out of a list our professor gave us... many of them were very interesting.

Back to the worms.
Walking back to my vehicle, I thought about my little friends squirming across the flat expanse we call a sidewalk. Looking down, I was pleased to not see any... until I came across this grisly scene. Apparently not ALL of the worms made it.

So I suppose the question should be...
Would you make it as a worm?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Have A Problem

I have a problem with learned behaviors, especially the gag-reflex.

The Lorax was a fun little movie that I watched with a younger brother, that was completely focused on saving the trees, or the planet, or whatever happens to be dying at the moment.

I suppose most people could not say that they can love and dislike a movie at the same time, but I can.
The Lorax made it very clear in the beginning that it was an environmental movie. Now, about this learned gag-reflex of mine. I hear people say all the time, "Uh, great!" rolling their eyes, "Not another tree-hugger movie!" I too can be blamed for this response. 

However, I don't plan on bashing the environmentalist ideals and progress.
I want to live in a healthy community where I don't have to wear a face mask, or fear my drinking water. They bring real issues to the forefront that must be paid attention to.

I believe The Lorax will instill in humans of all ages the possible extent of our poor stewardship of this world, and being a student of movies... I know this one will be studied in the future to show what people were concerned with during this generation.

So, the gag-reflex is going away because I know the purpose... but I'm still not quite over it. 

~ This has been a post for my CMM 101 class in accordance to the requirements of an assignment.